Note on Deploying a Personal Website on Github

Create a Markdown File

  1. Write note with Markdown.

Convert the Markdown File to a Local Website

Install hugo and configure the website folder

  1. Install Hugo following the guidance.
  2. Install powershell.
  3. Open powershell and change the directory to the location you want to place the website files by running cd <loc>.
  4. Create a new site using Hugo by running hugo new site <site_name> in powershell.
  5. Edit the hugo.toml file, leaving baseURL empty for now.
  6. Change the directory to the website folder in powershell.
  7. Create a document content by running hugo new docs/

Install the theme and add contents

  1. Run git init.
  2. Find a nice theme at Hugo –> Download –> Install (run the git clone command under method 1 and rugo n the git submodule add command under method 2).
  3. Edit the hugo.toml file, adding theme = <theme_name>.
  4. Edit the content file, setting draft to false and add some contents.
  5. Run hugo server and access it locally at http://localhost:1313/.

Deploy the Website on Github

Push website framwork to Github

  1. Create an empty github repository.
  2. Copy the git remote add origin <website_path>.git command.
  3. Add a file and git push –> git add –> git commit -m "initial commit" –> git branch -M main –> git remote add origin <website_path>.git -> git push -u origin main.

Setup a branch for Github pages

  1. Create a gh-pages branch.
  2. Go to repository’s settings –> action –> general –> enable Read and write permissions –> save.

Create a Github workflow

  1. Create an empty file named hugo.yaml in your local repository at .github/workflows/.
  2. Copy the YAML code under ‘Step 6’ of HUGO: Host on GitHub Pages to the hugo.yaml file.
  3. Modify the Hugo version specified in hugo.yaml to match your local Hugo version (type in hugo version at terminal to check).

Git push

  1. Run git add . –> git commit -m "add the first test page" –> git push.
  2. Waiting for Github to deploy your website.
  3. Access your website at https://<user_name><repo_name>/.

How to Update the Website

  1. Add (hugo new <path/filename>) or modify the markdown files in the content folder (remember to set draft keyword to false for markdown files in the content folder).
  2. Run hugo server to rebuild the website locally.
  3. Post the website online: git add . –> git commit -m "message" –> git push.
  4. Verify the release.

How to Configure Website

  1. Copy the contents in themes/<theme_name>/config.toml to hugo.toml.
  2. Modify the parameters specified in hugo.toml, such as website title, avatarURL, and social links.
  3. In order to add a menu in the homepage, like the tags in the right top, following the menu setting in the config.toml file to configure the hugo.toml file in the website root directory.
  4. A recommended file structure/organization of the contents can be found here.
  5. To enable the display of LaTeX-style equations, set enable = true under the item of hugo.toml.

Add Icons

  • LoveIt utilizes the icon library provided by Font Awesome for seamless integration of icons into your content.

  • Icon references adhere to markdown syntax. To incorporate an icon, simply use the format :icon_name:, where the specific icon_name can be found on the Font Awesome website.

  • As an illustration, let’s say you want to insert a code icon. You can locate the corresponding HTML code here, which is <i class="fa-solid fa-code"></i>. Subsequently, you can introduce the code icon using :fa-solid fa-code:, with the fa-solid fa-code (namely icon_name) derived directly from the HTML code.


  1. Deploy Hugo Blog to Github Pages via Github Actions w/ a Custom Domain
  2. Deploying a Blog Powered by Hugo to Github Pages w/ Custom Domain via Github Actions
  3. Hugo: Host on GitHub Pages
  4. LoveIt Theme Documentation - Content